
On-demand webinar on "EMC Testing"

For decades, technology has played a vital role in revolutionizing human race. With the development in the technology in modern era there are more emphasis on electrical/ electronic tools to be handier and higher powered than ever. Hence, there is growing need to have product compliant for EMI/EMC. Designing a product that meets EMC testing requirements takes planning and forethought. In that way, you can identify EMC-related issues early on and design your device to address those issues.

This webinar on EMC Testing was举行在2021年12月20日从下午4点到5点(IST)。

The webinar is available On-Demand at anytime. If you have any further questions or are interested in a tailor-made webinar or workshop, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Topics covered :

  1. EMC Testing fundamentals
  2. Compliance Requirements
  3. Updates & NEWS

Faculty :

Sanjay Khemnar

Mr. Sanjay Khemnar

Laboratory Manager - EMC

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Total Experience : 20+ years
